font for each Stickies Note? Ah, did you REALLY expect 365 spare, you can cover your patterns in a scan in frantic call. Guy wonders why >>>>>>MAC IS FROZEN what all those startup Technical help: 800-SOS-APPL Option when choosing way to search all of those highlighted a bunch of icons When you want to test a to have two different your enormous After Dark files a slide or film scanner Hey, if you ever do >>>>>LOWER BURRELL, PA. Microsoft is out of control. Learn to put your laptop to If you have multiple versions secret Type or Creator code? your icons and trash are completed because it MACINTOSH came from? Power Mac, and you want to Want to hear a really You can actually wrap text font suitcase? Remove the If you’re using AOL version cartridges. The process is “Redefine from Selection” drag a file from within an access privileges” message? When you’re word processing, such a thing as an e-mail your System, color everything stress syndrome is no fun. can talk! Download the of getting Internet messages Is version 2.6’s Web browser “MAC SECRETS,” 4th EDITION! FOR SYSTEM 7.5 ... of up-to-date Mac info: Trash message that some tell you this ... but you know causing a conflict, turn Use System 7.5’s Find When you’re in a program, spend the next two minutes Try it right now: installed? If so, here’s a windows with one click! Open your Map control panel. Having trouble ejecting a Background Printing is a great Open the Color control panel dumb quotes (") with smart drive even without special you’ve given a program is it moving a very small object on your monitor, drag its title When you’re faced with the When you’re faced with the When you’re looking at the (only its name shows): Copy When you save some text Word 5: Copy the table Print Monitor. From the File Option-clicking the while you hold down the Shift dragging off the edge of the clipboard format. You can get PageMaker file you’ve been keystroke that does something, of laser printouts from Once you change to view “By The Zapf Dingbats font contains When you’re at the Open File Aren’t you tired of that guy The CloseView control panel eject a disk in the internal StyleWriter has two paper The authors of “Macworld answers the phone. Go into your stop making that blood-curdling Items folder will be launched hate the way the cursor keeps you can control which one is Would you like to be greeted need those expensive AppleTalk the items in the Apple menu. Mac is starting up, it doesn’t you can select non- Open the Memory control panel. Turn off Label Secrets (use ∞∞∞∞ MOMENT ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ there’s an option called of FreeHand or Illustrator (to your Apple menu! Create a new How long can an icon’s name be? in your System folder. Put Use the Find command; search In Microsoft Word, you can give a style more than one onto a floppy. Then make in the Monitors control panel! The most efficient way to You can create a split window, the Clean Up command will icons in the Finder. They’ll ground: launch a program. Go to out onto the desktop while disk is unreadable, you may Pressing Command-Option- In any of the outline views Make an alias of System joke to play on somebody! a little strangely: it puts no way to trash or copy icons seeing any blank generic icons? being warned when you empty PRAM is a piece of battery- by double-clicking the System to your regular Mac for Holding down the Option key Be sure to read HARD DRIVE, Apple won’t let anybody use the battery last 5 hours or more! the screen image into a suitcase file on top Look in your System folder, Show Clipboard command! obsolescence is getting you you can do with the old Puzzle text into the Scrapbook, desktop change, open your As you travel, you don’t have Scrapbook files! Just working in the Finder? Then correctly? Open your Memory March 1993 or so, it’s covered Open your Sound control panel. Got a “fat binary” program? to rename it, you usually put anything into the add your own commands to the File menu the four documents (either Command-Option-Z, or 0 to a paragraph without using night, sad that you missed SECRET ABOUT BOX: control panel/menu is floppy disk to KMEG JJ KS. Microsoft Word 5: While just starting at the Mac, Mac keeps asking for a disk Using Apple’s Movie Player any icon to anything you want! Don’t you hate that spinning- eject a SyQuest cartridge if space on your hard drive! (THAT YOU PROBABLY DIDN’T KNOW) is notorious for having (on a PowerBook): You used to have to buy a spitting out a test page great for quotes, but wrong message, even though you know The modem and the printer port from being ruined when someone select a region that’s a Open your General Select the Item tool. Move the hyphen when it’s a two-word program tip: You can put an clicking sound is on your and footer text from one If your Mac isn’t as fast as Word 5, do you still get that letters, such as æ and œ come from? Originally, there To edit one bar-graph bar do their thing when you a scanner: If you’re having quotes” feature, it’s hard to example of the from that starts up a Mac Hot for the Font/DA Mover program You can send the same e-mail slightly different SCSI Aid, here’s a hidden trick: make the Fill Right regular Label menu It's OK to turn on a CD-ROM has under 50 megs in it? the Mac looks for extensions using only SimpleText! two Macs, back-to-back, you tried with System 7.5’s 7.5.2? Type "secret about box" in Word 5, are you still gettin Printing turned on, then your If you have System 7.5.1 or had $200 million in the bank. repeatable hangs and crashes Finder windows! Open the Every time you turn on your